May 5, 2006

Goings On

We've been a busy family lately! Let's see...we had Earth Day 1st grade picnic, Earth_day_2_kurt_1 a field trip to the Arboritum Arboritum_field_trip_11_kurt where I let Kurt borrow my camera and it was amazing the angles he got. Here's a photo he took of a lizard in a tree as he looked up at it. Can you see the lizard right in the middle of the photo? Arboritum_field_trip_33_lizard_1 And Grant and Wyatt got confirmed. Isn't this just a great photo? :P DH took it of my friend (I was her sponsor), me, G&W (I was their proxy sponsor). Confirmation_3_sm I honestly didn't know if I should delete it or scrap it! LOL We've had our second, and not last, Wacky Hair Day, Wackyhair0407_1_4_kent and the Celebration of Learning where you view the projects the students have been working on all year long. Wyatts_biome_1_wyatt And Take Your Parent to Music Day (where the photos are ALWAYS bad) Take_your_parent_to_music_day_3_sm and Dash for Cash in PE class, of which I have no photos. And as, baseball, baseball. Img_0694_1

Coming up soon are lots of activities for both Grant, as he graduates from 8th grade, and Wyatt as he moves on from 5th grade, as well as end-of-school activities. Stay tuned!

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