We've been a busy family lately! Let's see...we had Earth Day 1st grade picnic, a field trip to the Arboritum
where I let Kurt borrow my camera and it was amazing the angles he got. Here's a photo he took of a lizard in a tree as he looked up at it. Can you see the lizard right in the middle of the photo?
And Grant and Wyatt got confirmed. Isn't this just a great photo? :P DH took it of my friend (I was her sponsor), me, G&W (I was their proxy sponsor).
I honestly didn't know if I should delete it or scrap it! LOL We've had our second, and not last, Wacky Hair Day,
and the Celebration of Learning where you view the projects the students have been working on all year long.
And Take Your Parent to Music Day (where the photos are ALWAYS bad)
and Dash for Cash in PE class, of which I have no photos. And as always...baseball, baseball, baseball.
Coming up soon are lots of activities for both Grant, as he graduates from 8th grade, and Wyatt as he moves on from 5th grade, as well as end-of-school activities. Stay tuned!
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